Special Care for Senior Pets

For many of us, pets are priceless, providing us with companionship and making our house a home.  As years go by, our companion is aging faster than we are and can require special care.  Pets face many of the same challenges people do as they enter the twilight years, like arthritis, lack of mobility, lack of appetite, incontinence and fatigue. Unfortunately they can not tell us what is wrong, so watching how they move and understanding their limitations is key to providing them with a great quality of life well into their golden years.  There are many products on the market designed to assist your aging pet.  Here are a few that have proven to be a great asset for aiding aging pets.

  • Ramps and stairs – pet ramps and stairs allows for greater mobility of your dog while reducing back and joint strain when your dog is getting into a vehicle or on their favorite piece of furniture. Stairs are especially helpful to cats to get on their favorite perch if jumping up is a challenge.  Dr’s Foster & Smith’s “Ultralight Bifold” ramp is light weight, holds up to 150 pounds and has a textured surface for traction.  Go to www.drsfostersmith.com for more information.
  • Doggie diapers – Urinary incontinence can be due to a variety of reasons from infection to a weak bladder.  Proper diagnosis is essential.  There are also a variety of both male and female type diapers that can assist you and your dog with the incontinence. Simple Solutions brand is highly recommended.
  • Elbow Pads – Aging dogs often get calloused elbows that lead to discomfort when getting up. Wounds, sores and calluses on elbows can be painful and hard to heal. Elbow pads can provide comfort and protection while elbows heal. Canine Elbow Protective Sleeves work well and can be found on line at        www.canineangelsinc.com.
  • PAWS – a disposable and reusable, waterproof dog boot.  Made of natural rubber, PAWZ are 100% biodegradable and can be worn inside and outside. They are designed to go on easily and fit securely   without zippers or straps and provide traction on smooth flooring.  This greatly improves your dog’s ability to get up and walk.  PAWS can be found in many pet stores or online.
  • Assist Harness – Ergonomic security harness helps you assist the geriatric or mobility-challenged pet who needs help going up and down stairs, getting in and out of vehicles, negotiating slippery floors or climbing onto a favorite resting spot. This harness stays on the dog and does not have to be put on and off.  It  allows for quick and  easy assistance for your canine.  It is one of the best harnesses on the market for helping a dog get up and walk. Assist harness is available on line at: www.inthecompanyofdogs.com

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