Young Students Making a Difference!

Pride, accomplishment and making a difference was all part of an incredible learning experience for a group of young Houghton elementary students here in the Copper Country. Mr. Klein’s 4th grade class read a book about an inner city school that was running out of funding for books and supplies and would have to close. The “characters/students” joined efforts and raised money through fundraising/donations to keep the school going.  This inspired this amazing group of young students and with the support of their teacher, Mr.Klein, school staff and administrators and Ross Linkinen of Thrivent Financial, the penny war began.  CCHS’s board member, Mac Marzke along with his beloved dog, Timber were honored to accept a donation for $1100.00 raised by this amazing group of students and teachers.  Thank you Houghton Elementary School, teachers, students, staff and the community for helping support the efforts of a determined group of incredible students who do make a difference!



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